Aloha and welcome

The electro magnetic field surrounds us, whether we see it or not.

If you start (or continue) to experience the EMF Balancing Technique®, you will explore your magnetic field  and might be astonished how profoundly it may change. There is a natural development of the work, as you follow the sequences of the phases. The work is directly from one human to another and no technical equipment is needed to access the electro magnetic field.

The Nature of the Work and The Universal Calibration Lattice provide you with more background information.

As accredited EMF Balancing® Practitioner Phases I-VIII, I profoundly love this work, as it reconnects us to our true essence. Experience one of the Phases or Phases I-VIII to expand your understanding of your personal electro magnetic field. Allow approximately 90 minutes per Session. Ideally sessions are done 1:1. They can also be done by Skype or as distance sessions. Please contact me so that we find the best option for you.

As Supervisory Teacher I am happy to offer you Personal Growth Work Shops:

During 1 day:  explore the Universal Calibration Lattice (UCL) as stand alone Work Shop or as basis for the following:

and, building on the UCL, add 5 days to explore the Evolution of Consciousness whilst learning the Phases I- IV.

From the experiences and insights these Work Shops offer, they are interesting for a broad range of people, such as scientists, mothers, teachers, people who look for a way to care for themselves and their loved ones on multidimensional levels. From my perspective they are interesting for all who want to be of service to themselves and their families and/or friends.

I would be honored and in awe to be of assistance to you in exploring your electromagnetic field in a private session or in a Work Shop.

And as we are guided by your inner wisdom, your innate wisdom, we are certain that all changes are completely in synch with  you.

I am looking forward to your call on +41 79 870 12 71 or your mail to

Aloha and Namaste

Your EMF Balancing Technique® Specialist

Regina Kuster Reich